Sunday, November 11, 2012


The new science today directs us away from speaking of God as ontological "being," distinct from the world, and orients us to think of God as God-Creator, whose I AM is integrally related to WE ARE: love within love, wholes within wholes. Our existence is God's existence, and to the extent that we truly live, God lives. Without our participation in birthing the divine mystery, God remains a beggar in the cosmos. The evolution of God on planet earth requires our participation in love. We can no longer assume that the God of the medieval cosmos is "up there," hovering over us as a great divine parent. God is within us and is brought to birth by us.

Delio, Ilia (2011-11-09). The Emergent Christ (Kindle Locations 1705-1709). Orbis Books. Kindle Edition.

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