Thursday, November 1, 2012

implicate order

David Bohm's idea of implicate order holds promise for a new understanding of being, primarily because it upholds the primacy of order as a function of relationship. As we indicated in the last chapter, Bohm's system builds on several fundamental ideas that include the constitutive relationality of the universe, the relationality of being, and the endless depth of being, what he calls unified wholeness in constant movement. Bohm indicates that every particle is actually a manifestation of the whole and that nothing can be understood except within the context of the whole. When it comes to theology we must ask: What is God in relation to the whole? If nothing can be understood apart from interactions in the whole, how do we understand God and creation? What if we were to view God and creation not as two orders of being but simply as a conceptual order of being that is thoroughly interrelated?

Delio, Ilia (2011-11-09). The Emergent Christ (Kindle Locations 538-544). Orbis Books. Kindle Edition.  

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