Thursday, October 20, 2016

Walking the Dog

Sometimes I take the dog out for a walk. She drags me tree to tree, and post to post wanting to stop and sniff each for dog knows what. Sometimes for entertainment I pause and let her sniff to her delight just to see if she will ever get her fill and decide to move on on her own, but usually her delight outlasts my impatience. Then there are those times that I stop to observe a particular bird, or butterfly, or flower, maybe even just a glimmer of light, but of course, she has no patience for that, and pulls me away to the next awaiting tree or post to be thoroughly explored all over again. I am still not certain whether it is history that interests her, or current events. The thing I have noticed is that dogs almost never have a macro view of the world. Instead they are almost always focused on the micro world that is most immediately in front of them or should I say in front of their noses. Sometimes I think it is a great advantage not to look so far out. After a while the dog and I get distracted by just the walking and we develop a rhythm where we each keep to ourselves as we focus only on the path we walk. It is in moments just as these that I begin to understand a little more the pleasure of the dog taking me out for a walk.

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