Friday, October 14, 2016


Once you actually begin to die and you experience death, you no longer fear death. Then you can really start to live. When you watch someone die and you watch them let go of everything. They let go of all their possessions, all of their financial security, all of their hopes and dreams, all of their material attachments and even their ego. Finally, they even have to let go of their loved ones. Once they have done that, then they are free to go and there is nothing left to fear. You realize it is not into an abyss that you go, but an abyss you that come from.

Spirit is like zero - it is not divisible, and they only thing that is real is zero. All of the other numbers are illusions of things added unto each other, or subtracted from, or even multiplied or divided. They can never stand onto themselves. All that is left is zero and it alone stands onto itself. It can never be multiplied or divided. You cannot subtract from it and end up with anything other than a negation of itself. You cannot add onto it and end up with anything more than that which is added. The spirit always stands onto itself unchanged.

Spirit is like zero - it is indivisible.
It alone stands onto itself
it cannot be multiplied, nor divided
if you add to it, you are left only with whatever was added
if you subtract from it, then you end with the negation of that which is added.

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