Saturday, February 6, 2016

I believe

I believe in good things like love and kindness
sure, I know there is hate and meanness
and horrible things that people do to each other
but in the end I believe in the good things

it is not a matter of faith or victory over evil
it is a matter of survival, it is that which
allows me to awake and rejoice at a new day
so I can sense a freshness in the air

the staleness that hangs like a pallor
blows away in the fresh morning breeze
and the sun gives lite to the dim grey
and there is still a bird in a tree that sings

I don't know what the end brings to all those
who hope and sing or those who curse and despair
I hope that all rejoice in the freshness of spring
in the morning air that I find when I believe

maybe it is only a brushstroke across the dim canvas
and that underlying all this wishful silliness
is a cruel world that envelops the simple and pure
but I don't think so, I still believe in love and kindness.

If I ever stopped believing in the good things
then I wonder how or why I would ever walk again
if all there were were the selfish things that
cut me off from you I would be totally alone

I have to believe in the good things because it is
the only way that you can have me, or me you and
without that it would be the end of everything
that gives me hope and love and kindness.

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