Saturday, September 1, 2007

Honor Seat

o humble Lord who is dying upon a cross
I sit watching at your feet,
never recognizing you up on the honor seat.
I sit in comfort on my seat of shame
I watch in horror
you bleeding upon me.

where have you bled today
as I watch in shame?
you held a banquet, and invited the poor and lame
I held a banquet and slaughtered the lamb

you who hang from the cross so high
shedding your blood upon humanity
I demand you come down from there
before I pierce your side with my lance again.
live amongst the poor and crippled no more
walk among us as the proud do
so I can homage you too!

I have hung you high up on the cross
stripped you and beat you
and still I cannot humble you more
who is fastened up on the honor seat

a reflection based upon a reading from Lk 14; 1, 7-14.


Anonymous said...

Mary's Birthday-September 8
..and I said. Lord, what can I do to make up for my piercing. and He answered- Accept my shedding of blood for you.
What part of your Passion was for me, Lord?
all of it!
and reluctantly, I accept but look over at Mary? She, too, accepts that her Son suffers for me saying, OK<
and stands at the cross still loving me as the lamb is slaughtered.

keith hamilton said...

thank you for you comment. It is always interesting to see how people are affected by the reading of the gospel.