Tuesday, September 4, 2007

what the world needs is human beings who are free

"You know, sirs, what this world needs is not politicians or more engineers, but free human beings. Engineers and scientists may be necessary, but it seems to me that what the world needs is human beings who are free, who are creative, who have no fear. And most of us are ridden with fear. If you can go profoundly into fear and really understand it, you will come out with innocency, so that your mind is clear. That is what we need, and that is why it is very important to understand how to look at a fact, how to look at your fear. That is the whole problem—not how to get rid of fear, not how to be courageous, not what to do about fear, but to be fully with the fact." ---- J Krishnamurti


Anonymous said...

I like this. Why were you awake that early? I just joined the philosophy club at me school. I don't know how it'll turn out but I have a feeling that my views may be very different than other people's. Another way of saying it, I may sound like a catholic. I love your writings. Actually, for philosophy club we are supposed to find some writings to reflect on. WIth your permission, I would like to use some of yours one day.
-Like it aint obvious who this is. Still, I like anonymous.

Anonymous said...

Just testing, since I do not know how to use tags.
Glad to see you back on the Blog, Keith with your busy schedule and I do know who anonymous is. Hi. Good to hear that you are in the philosophy club and being that you are where you are, it is good to sound like a Catholic. Even if you are not where you are.
Mom and Grandma