Sunday, October 13, 2019


you said, You shed your blood for us, 
you said, thank-you. 

Is this blood being shed for the remission of sin or the commission of sin? 
Does the blood remain on the slaughtered or is it sprinkled on us all? 

This sin of ours, is it participation, or just willful omission? 
It's just war. Bad things happen in war. It can't be helped.
I'm sorry about your daughter, your wife, your sister, your mother
it couldn't be helped.
it all just part of a bigger strategic decision
i'm sure you understand

thoughts and prayers, 
especially for your loved ones. 
the old ones, and the little ones. 
stay safe

as the bombs fall upon your house, your mosques, your hospital. 
your only true friend is the mountains you flee to

who could have known this would happen, again
your word is your bond
no one trusts you
sold out, and used again
we knew it would happen again

Kurds left to die like Palestinians
no place to play, no place to pray
no home except to die for

will you take us in, after we fought, bled and died beside you? 
you said you were our friend
you bought us your guns
you taught us how to fight 
then you turned your backs 
as the guns were turned on us

who could have known this would happen, again
we knew it would happen again
your only friend is the mountain to run to

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