Monday, February 11, 2019

"Only the destitute are innocent ...

"Only the destitute are innocent ... Only those without bread are without fault." Jesus of Nazareth, as translated/interpreted by John Dominic Crossan

Embedded within imperfection is perfection.
Before something is everything.

i am a butterfly or a tree. perhaps a mountain stream, or a beam of sunlight early in the morning. i am buddhist, and christian, and muslim and jew and hindu too. my creed is silence. there are no capitals in my name nor capitols where i come from. my flag is weaved from cotton still dotting fields like snow and its pole stands uncut amongst the ponderosa forest. i am brown and red and white and black. i am man and woman, mother and father, son and daughter, sister and brother. i am stranger and friend, never enemy. now you see me and then you don't but i am here with you just the same as you are with me. we are as inseperable as one photon of light is from another. i am on the no way to a land infinitely near and forever present.

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