Thursday, October 12, 2017


"An individual thought is due to the firing of a specific population of neurons, which is determined by ongoing sensory input in the present, and the ensembles of neurons within the basic circuitry that has been linked together by experiences in the past - our memories."

Todd C. Sacktor, The Elementary Particles of Memory.

Consciousness is the fusion of immediate stimuli with memory that combines the simultaneous feeling of being both the observer and the observed into a smooth, enveloping flow of time that is neither truly the past nor the present but somehow inexplicably each of them... That consciousness is still an intractable problem for scientists and philosophers to understand is not surprising. Whatever the final answer turns out to be, I suspect it will be an illusion the mind evolved to hide the messy workings of its parallel modular computing.

Our subjective sense of time does not correspond to reality.Cortical evoked potentials, electrical recordings, of the normal brain during routine activity have been shown to precede by almost a third of a second the awareness of an actual willed movement or a response to sensory stimulation. The cortical evoked potentials indicate that the brain in initiating or reacting to what is happening far sooner than the instantaneous perception we experience. On a physiological scale, this represents a huge discrepancy that our mind corrects by falsifying the actual time an action or event occurs, thus enabling our conscious experience to conform to what we perceive.

Gerald Smallberg - The Wizard of I

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