Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Voices From Chernobyl - Svetlana Alexievich

"Death is the fairest thing in the world. No one's ever gotten out of it. The earth takes everyone - the kind, the cruel, the sinners. Aside from that, there's no fairness in the world."

"Dying isn't hard, but it is scary."

"They advised us to work in our gardens in masks and rubber gloves. And then another big scientist came to the meeting hall and told us that we needed to wash our yards."

"I've already worked enough in my life, been sad enough. I've had enough of everything and I don't want anything more."

"My husband liked to say that people shoot, but it's God who delivers the bullet. Everyone has his own fate."

"No one knows what's in the other world. It's better here. More familiar."

"Even it it's poisoned with radiation, it's still my home. There's no place else they need us. Even a bird loves its nest."

"Only in evil is a man clever and refined. But how simple and sympathetic he is when speaking the honest words of love. Even when the philosophers use words they are only approximations of the thoughts they have felt. The word corresponds exactly to what is in the soul only in prayer, in the thought of prayer."

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