Tuesday, September 23, 2014


If born a son of Greece,
would I have seen the God of unity
from which proceeds all good?

If I had sprouted from the seed of a Bodhi
would I have seen the end of suffering
in the ever present now?

If I had been born a roman centurion
during the time of our Lord,
would I have pierced his side?

If born a brother Jew,
would I thought him crazy too,
and ringed him a thorny crown?

If born in Mecca, would I too
profess there no God, but God alone,
and Muhammad his messenger?

If I were born on a plantation
would I have lived in luxury amidst
my chained servants?

If born on the plains,
would I have seen red men
on my land and dispensed with them?

If I had been born in Germany and seen
the renewal of my country
would I have helped to purify my race?

If I were Arab in Palestine
would I worship in the mosque
while I make a holy war?

I were a Jew in the land of Israel
would I proclaim the one God
while I walled off Palestine?

If I had been born an African in Liberia
would I suffer and die with by sisters
and brothers hungry and malnourished?

If if were a Christian, would I be born again
with Jesus in my heart, or would I find him
born anew amidst the sin and suffering?

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