Friday, August 31, 2012

truth contd.

whatever ideas that you have agreed to are your truth.
They will remain your truth until new ideas and thoughts enter into your mind,
and as you find agreement with them they slowly, imperceptibly become truth.
It does not change or alter the truth, for the truth is unchangeable.
Only our understanding changes.
This is your truth and not everyone will agree with you.
Your truth may not find agreement with even your most loved ones.
They have their own truth. and their agreement or disagreement may or may not alter
your truth, but their disagreement may never diminish it.
Their agreement doesn't make it less or more real or less or more true,
anymore than your agreement with them validates their truth.
This does not mean there is not an ultimate truth, an ultimate reality and our
truth should not be confused with this ultimate truth that is beyond our understanding,
even beyond our comprehension.
We only drink from its well.
We are not the well.
As you continue to drink let it bring new awareness and be open to it.
Continue to grow in the truth. Do not be diminished by your perceptions of truth.

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