Wednesday, July 18, 2007

The journey begins here and now. It must always begin here and now, there is no other place or time to begin. It must always end here and now too, there is no other place or time to go. We always were here in the now and always will be. We just didn't know it. The question for us must be what do we do with it? Will we try helplessly to escape back to a past that is too far gone, or run helplessly after a future that never comes. How will we define our moment, or should we call it a movement from the present moment to the present moment? A walking without steps.

Seeking for God or truth I find there is no truth, no God, but that is wrong too! Truth can only be sought, never found or possessed. Truth just is and its relevance is self explanatory -truth just is. An imposed truth is truth no more. To say there is a God is to suggest that there is something more, and to say there is no God is to minimize the significance of what there is. There cannot be anything more than what there is, but that is not the same as to suggest that there is less. There can be no other place or time for God other than the here and now. This is all there is, this present moment, this here and now, but It is enough!

Let the journey begin here and now, and let it end here and now. Let us travel to where we already are and stand at this pinnacle to gaze upon all of its beauty and splendor and wonder. It is enough!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow. I like how the present is, the past was, and the future will be. That is why you must act now- not in the past or future because only the present is. I'm not sure where this comment is going but you seem to know alot. Any books that you could suggest?