Sunday, July 22, 2007

a journey home

i searched frantically for the ever elusive more
more time and more space for more me
more clothes than those I can wear
a home with more rooms to isolate in
televisions and computers to numb my brain
whatever happened to appreciation for the earthworm and sparrow?
i leave for vacation lands in far away places
where the same sun sets and rises
on scenes no grander than those I leave behind
we pass in airports seeking new experiences
you seeking mine, me seeking yours
perhaps it would be better to know our own a little deeper
and just be a little more present with those more near to us
when will i learn how much is enough?
Here is enough to sustain an eternal life
with an infinity of joy and happiness
if only I will take a moment to be present with it.

i travel to distant lands, but I always return here to home.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I like this one. Good comment, no?